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I Think We Struck A Nerve

If YOU had the Magic Wand


(1) The public notice and public hearing required pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:11-11 is applicable to a board of education that renegotiates, extends, amends, or otherwise alters the terms of an existing contract with a superintendent of schools, deputy superintendent, assistant superintendent, or school business administrator. (d) Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7F-5.3, the Commissioner shall require each local public school district, CVSD and CSSSD to submit as part of the annual budget submission supporting documentation in regard to the employment contracts of the superintendent, any assistant superintendent, the SBA, and any employee with an annual salary that exceeds $75,000 who is not a member of a collective bargaining unit. The supporting documentation shall include employment contract information as detailed in 1-4 below The employment contract information in (d) above shall be provided for public inspection, along with the budget as prescribed in (c) above, in an easily accessible location and in a "user-friendly," plain language format as prescribed by the Commissioner on the local public school district's Internet site, if one exists, no less than 48 hours after the public hearing on the budget. 1. The employment contract information shall be maintained on the district’s Internet site, if one exists, with a visible link off the main page, for the entire budget yearNo such contract modifications have been published on the district's website. No contracts for any of the named positions have been provided as public documents and no public notice or public hearings were permitted as required by law. Do you still doubt that this board and this administration are not only playing fast and loose with your children and your money, but fast and loose with the law as well??
VOTE APRIL 21, 2009
Dr. Magistro Thanks Board

February 24, 2009
The superintendent sends out a letter to ‘Memorial Parents and Staff’ in which she states; “Our insurance carrier has accepted responsibility for the temporary placement of our school at Corpus Christie in South River. These costs include the lease for the South River facility, the clean up and repair to that building in preparation for school opening and any salvage from the old Memorial site.”
The same letter from the superintendent stated: “I spoke at the recent February 16th Memorial PTA meeting and indicated that the architect would be able to present his plan at our February 26th Board of Education meeting. However, the architect has been informed to review his plans again to work out some additional cost saving measures. Therefore, he will not be at this Thursday’s Board meeting. As soon as he is ready to present, you will be notified so you may attend the meeting if you wish.”
March 31, 2009
The superintendent makes a presentation to the Memorial PTA in which she states they plan to “Move forward with the plan for Memorial based on the same educational specifications as recommended by the community committee and approved by the State in 2004.”
The superintendent announces that the “Board gave consensus to a September 2009 bond referendum” and the “Expected opening of New memorial - September 2012”
April 9, 2009
Board President Todd Simmens is quoted in the Star Ledger referring to a bond referendum to raise at least $23 million from the taxpayers “If we can go in June, then Wednesday after election day we’ll break ground.” Simmens also suggests that money shouldn’t be the focus but making things happen as soon as possible should.
April 17, 2009
In a letter to the Home News a reader points out the flat-out lie told by the Superintendent in her Feb 24th letter when she assured parents and staff that the insurance carrier had agreed to cover the cost of leasing Corpus Christi school. Referring to the proposed 2009-2010 budget that includes $775,000 per year for the district to pay the lease on Corpus Christie the reader wondered how quickly the superintendent’s message would change once his letter was printed.
April 17, 2009
The superintendent sends out another letter (but only to Memorial Parents and staff) that now says: “My recent discussions with the President of Corpus Christi’s Parish Council indicate that they are happy to house our students and staff until Memorial is rebuilt.” The superintendent DOES NOT say that the insurance company is going to pay for it - - as she did in her February letter.
In the same letter the superintendent states: “we will prepare for a September 2009 bond referendum.” And “the architect has been asked to refine the plans (which will not in any way delay the bond referendum).”
The superintendent DOES NOT say why the architects have not completed their ‘refinements’ in the nearly two months since they were first scheduled to appear before the board and public.
The superintendent DOES NOT say why there is $100,000 in the 2009-2010 proposed budget for ‘Architectural Fees’.
And the superintendent DOES NOT say when the public will have an opportunity to hear the entire plan, in one place at one time and be able to provide their input.
What the superintendent does say is: “I look forward to your support . . . “ and “appropriate sections of Memorial playground will be relocated to South River. this week.”
The production and mailing costs for the superintendent to send out this last minute electioneering letter likely came out of the $392,361.00 budgeted THIS YEAR for ‘General Administration Communications and Postage’ Account 11-000-230-530.
Maybe we don't want our children to learn courtesy from our school leaders.
Maybe we should ask our school leaders to focus on honesty instead!
Karp, Becker & Shaw's Idea of Safe Schools
The following cell phone videos were provided to us and are only a small example of what the incumbent board of education has tacitly approved for our 'safe' Churchill Junior High School.
These are only a small sampling of what goes on in Churchill EVERYDAY.
It's time to make the CHANGE WE NEED.
Do you want to continue to pay for THREE superintendents and a PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR?
Or might it be smarter to pay for ONE superintendent and THREE Public SAFETY Officers?
EB Receives $2,096,917 in Funding For a Problem That Doesn't Exist

When a 'flat increase' really isn't
Not surprisingly the Sentinel is reporting on the alleged 'flat increase' in this year's school budget. Prominently featured in the article are the ususal self-congratulatory comments from the board president, Todd Simmens including how the big unknown was how much state aid the district would receive.
What Mr. Simmens didn't comment on, and the Sentinel didn't ask about was the $1,022,533 in state aid that the district lost out on because last year's budget was $10,801,186 OVER the state calculated adequacy budget.
Mr. Simmens also did not comment on the tax hikes of the last two years (37 cents and 2 cents) that allowed the board to transfer $4 million from last year's tax hike into this year's budget.
So the 'flat increase' they are all so proud of is only because they OVER taxed you by $4 million LAST YEAR.
We do indeed NEED A CHANGE.
Even Churhill Teachers Know There Are Problems
This week's Sentinel has an interesting article reporting that a number of Churhill Junior High School Teachers presented the Town Council with a petition containing more than 100 names asking to keep the East Brunswick Police Officer assigned to the Churchill Junior High School. (see the link on the right)
This is clearly at odds with the comments Mrs. Becker made at the Memorial School candidates debate where she dismissed a parent's concern about drugs, violence and sexual activity at Churchill by claiming that East Brunswick has one of the lowest numbers of incidents reported on the Violence Vandalism and Drug Report sent to the state.
So who do you think is in a better position to know what's going on, Mrs. Becker or teachers that are actually doing the job in the school building. Maybe Mrs. Becker and the rest of the board should pay more attentiion to their parents and staff. Maybe if they didn't spend $113,000 on a Public Relations Director and more than $500,000/year on three superintendents they could find the money in the budget to pay for a police officer at the High School AND at Churchill and actually keep our kids safe???
Empty Heads Repeating Empty Promises

User-Friendly Budget IS NOT Taxpayer Friendly

Leaving a Million Dollars in Trenton

Thank You Ms. Eisenberg

Got a Question?

They're Baaaaacccccckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!

Board of Education and Administration Launch WMD

Da Nile is Not Just a River

When You're Caught Sleeping - Shout MICROMANAGE

Speaking of Actually Reading What You Are Voting On . . .
So Maybe They Really BELIEVE The Lies They Are Telling
Robbing Parents to Build Empires
Parent-Pay Charges for 09-10 $246,375: Cha-ching
Three new positions for Finance Empire, $137,000: Cha-Ching
One new Bus Dispatcher position, $45,000: Cha-Ching
Fees for Architect and Special Election, $152,000: Cha-Ching
New servers and cabling for Technology, $55,000: Cha-Ching
Upgrade a relatives position to full-time, $29,000: Cha-Ching
Registrations/Training/Travel, $205,880: Cha-Ching
Copier Leases and Maintenance, $604,553: Cha-Ching
Computer Replacements, $181,000: Cha-Ching
Computer Parts, $60,000: Cha-Ching

Let the will of the Administration prevail!

Watch Out For Those Splinters!!

What is the ETTC and Why is it Losing Money?

Sorry, Time's UP!

Sorry, Time's Up!
Please - - check for yourself - - look at the 07-08 CAFR filed by the District, audited by the District, accepted by the NJ Department of Education.
Chicago Math? nah we got MADOFF Math

Do We Need a New Charter School?

Oh How the Song Changes

Our Very Own Bernie Madoff Here in East Brunswick

Don’t let platitudes interfere with good judgment.

Don't Cheat Taxpayers With Worn-Out Rhetoric

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