So how do we snatch victory from the jaws of defeat? Clearly this was a defeat for the students of East Brunswick as is evidenced by the ongoing interest in this blog and the thoughtful comments on what needs to be changed.
Please let us know what you think and together we'll figure out a way to continue making a difference. This is only the beginning.
CHICAGO MATH is a hot topic and has been for years and the district does not seem interested in addressing it. There is a body of research that indicates what I think parents and students intuitively know - - - it doesn't work. Tell us your experience. Tell us your ideas.
Phonetic spelling as opposed to Words Their Way. What is your experience. What works and what doesn't for your children.
TEACHING AND USING SCRIPT. It is a lost skill in East Brunswick. Should it be? Would you bring it back and what would you do to encourage it's use and build on it's value.
STUDY ISLAND and the process of 'teaching to the test'. Is there any legitimate research that shows that the use of computer-based drill tools like Study Island make any difference? Is it possible that they actually work to DECREASE test scores instead of enhance skills? Tell us what your experience is and tell us what you think.
TeacherWeb and ParentConnect. What is your experience? Some teachers seem to use TeacherWeb and ParentConnect religiously and others can't be bothered. Are these useful tools that should be continued? Should they be mandatory? Should there be other tools to engage parents, students and teachers in a cooperative process that isn't stymied by administrative bureaucracy?
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHTS and PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES. What is up with these important meetings being held only during school hours so that many (most) working parents are unable to attend? What is up with not being able to schedule more than 3 seven minute sessions with your child's teacher at the Middle School? What is up with not being able to schedule ANY time with your child's teacher at the Junior High School Level unless the teacher requests a conference because your child is failing. I doubt this nonsense is because teachers are too lazy to meet with parents and I suspect it is more of the bureaucratic burden that unnecessarily gets in the way of real education. WHAT IS YOUR EXPERIENCE? What are your ideas?
I am sure there are many, many, many other things that could and probably should be done differently. The current board and administration does not have any unique qualifications to dictate that this is the ONLY way that quality education can be delivered. Collectively, parents, students, residents, teachers and professionals know a hell of a lot more than this board and administration are giving us credit for.
PLEASE -- pick up the magic wand and let us know what YOU would do if you ran the zoo.
You can either post in the comments here or send an email (anonymous or otherwise, your wishes will be respected) to info@gotmail.org.
Education of our children is NOT in the hands of the bureaucrats. It's time to take back that responsibility.
Can you move or copy the comments on Chicago Math and Script etc from the below postings up to this section, or is that impossible? could perhaps start the dialogue. I think Words Their Way is phonetic spelling, but it is better than inventive spelling.
ReplyDeleteI'll see if I can make that work
ReplyDeleteWhat we all need to take away from the election is the amazing support that was generated for Gene,Joe and James. What our mission now NEEDS to be is to have all of attend the BOE meeting and CALL THEM OUT on all of the empty promises. Being elected is one thing buy resigning due to to much pressure and exposure to corrupt practices in another thing. We need to treat these meetings like town Hall meetings and LET OUR VOICES BE HEARD! This needs to be the beginning of the TAX payers running the show. We all saw how much influence and impact we had. We made them shake in their boots. They need to know that business as usual is over as they know it. They will have to have ACCOUNTABILITY! WE need to commit to going to the BOE meetings and taking a pact that we will not accept any lore LIES! They were re elected not they have to perform as they should not as they did.
ReplyDeleteNow that the election is over, is anyone else out there disgusted with Chicago Math. I for one abhor it, and have zillions of articles saying how bad it is. How it has failed in many many districts, and a lot of other people are abandoning it. Anyone else interested in trying to get rid of it???
ReplyDeleteDefinitely out with the Everyday Math!
ReplyDeleteI have been using a well proven curriculum called Saxxon Math. It is probably not used in public schools...it's too good.
Look it up :)
Chicago Math Stinks and does nothing but confuse the kids and while we are on it -- teaching young children to spell phonetically is stupid. That is why our kids cannot write.
ReplyDeleteI have to say I like this Words Their Way, better than the old inventive spelling they were doing when my older two were in elementary. My oldest can't spell anything cause we bought into their "this is the way to do it", second kid I made her spell everything correctly at home, but of course they did inventive in school, she spells much better than the first one. And my youngest in 2nd grade seems much better with "words their way" than either of my older with inventive. I went to the head of ILA and Math several years ago with my concerns. I am also shocked that they never learn script and are never required to use it. They claim they teach script, but with my older kids it was handouts in 3rd grade. They made the letters, connected it with a few other letters, circled their best one and that was the end of that. Perhaps it is different now. But I confirmed with the supervisor of ILA (this was 3 years ago) that they are never required to use script. I think it is ridiculous, yes they will all be using computers (which is what I was told when I mentioned my script concerns) but it would be nice if they could read script when they graduate from our wonderful schools. Ask the 6th, 7th, .... on and on grade teachers and they will tell you that they cannot write in script cause the kids can't read it. I was told that Chicago Math was chosen because they have to use a "research based" program due to the No Child Left Behind Act. There has to be something better than Chicago Math.
ReplyDeleteWe can't all continue to be anonymous if we want change.
If your children are victims of inventivie spelling you might as well glue a dictionary to their foreheads right now. It does not work. Did anyone think it was strange that here in EB last year we did not receive the results to the NJASK until the beginning of this year...it usually arries in Aug. Some districts got it. I have a freind who is a teacher as she says that if you did not get it, it means that your district did not do as well. She the test was improved and the bar was set higher. In the areas where they have inventive spelling and the Chicago math, the kids did not do well. In less affluent areas where the kids are still doing math the old fashioned way and are still writing and doing script .. they passed the test and their results were sent out on time. We got some letter from the districk which explained there side of it... but it was just a cover up in my opinion. Therefore this year we have the Words Your Way - becasue the kids couldn't spell when we did it the EB way. Notice on the math. They told us in the beginning ... let them do it our way ..then they said let them do it our way and then you can teach them your way .. now they say ..let them do it your way as long as they get the right answer - even the teachers don't care. My teacher friend says the math program is horrible!
ReplyDeletewhen I say the beginning of this year in my comment above i mean the beginning of this school year 08. just wanted to clarify
ReplyDeleteMy children was in 4th grade and told me that when he switches classes for science and SS he cannot read the board because the teacher writes in script. He said more then 1/2 the class cannot read it. Almost an entire year has gone by and not one kids said anything. I immediately called the teacher. My kid came home the next day and said the teacher asked how many kids cannot read the board while in science and SS. My son said the entire class raised their hand. That next week the teacher added script writing to her homework assignments.. It is really sad when you kid can't sign his name!
ReplyDeletewhen my son was in 5th grade I went to the back to school night - at memorial school- and the teacher announced "I do not do spelling - I simply have no time for it". I thought that was a slap in the face to the kids and the parents. That year I got my kid a spelling book for 5/6 grade words and I gave him words and tests every week.
ReplyDeleteWords your way is much better then inventive spelling. I make flash cards of all the words that come home on those little pieces of paper which I hate. I will use the cards over the summer. I think that showing the kids the patterns of the words helps them remember how to spell them. They understand why and when certain words have certain spellings. It is not a perfect system, but it is better then the inventive way!
ReplyDeleteBack to School Night - Parent Teacher Conference - I hate them both. But I especially hate Parent Teacher Conference. I have 4 kids in 3 different school. Planning a PTC is like planning a miliary procedure. I hate having to call in on the phone - waste of time! You don't get enough time with the teacher. Back to school night is torture running from class to class to find out only the same thing .. homework, test scores, etc. They send it all home in a letter with your child. Back in my day, PTC was at night from 6:00 to 9:00pm. You really talked with the teacher and had time to ask questions. I have a friend who lives in Bridgewater. Her school got sick of the day time PTC. The PTA offered to make and serve dinner to the teachers if they agreed to do this at night. They agreed and it worked out wonderfully .. they do it this way every year. When I suggested this to a teacher, she said the union in EB is too strong and they will never let that happen.
ReplyDeleteIt is not just 4th and 5th who can't read script. Ask the Hammarskjold and Churchill teachers. The kids there cannot read it either. I was literally told by the then (3 years ago) Supervisor of ILA that they don't need it because they use computers. I personally would also like my child to be able to write a check in script by the time they graduate high school. I too prefer Words there Way to inventive by far, but also hate the little pieces of paper. Parent Teacher conferences at the junior high and middle school level are a joke, there isn't enough time to discuss anything, I stopped going. I still go to elementary and fortunately have had teachers willing to give me more than my time allowance. My understanding on evening conferences is that according to their contract the teachers do not have to come one minute before their start time, or stay one minute after their end time. I'm sure there are many wonderful teachers who would be more than willing to do so, but I don't know if they would even be allowed to without being paid. Don't know how the contracts are written.
ReplyDeleteSo let's get a copy of the EBEA contract and the PSA contract and while we're at it the Superintendent's contract and post them here. All are public documents that must be released to the public (there is nothing secret about them).
ReplyDeleteWho wants to volunteer to ask the Board Secretary for a copy of them? I'd be more than happy to scan and post them here for all to see.
I am loving this webpage now. How quickly it transposed from an election "let it all out" page to a great place for all parents of all grades and all schools to come together. You know the administration, Board and teachers will read the posts. this is a great beginning for us to voice our opinions and have them actually be read and heard. I think this webpage will serve as the flagship for other towns to benchmark their issues as well. I look forward to seeing this page make an amazing impact and difference in our childrens education. Great job GOTTAXES!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI personally think it is a joke that Script is treated like a second language in our schools. It is going to be pretty sad when our kids go for their licenses one day and DMV is stumped that the kid printed his name! How about that first interview and they print their names on the application. Excellence in education.!