Remember the announcement of the unprecedented budget with the unprecedented sacrifice by the superintendent (under contract), the principles and supervisors (under contract) and the central administration and non-unit staff?
Well here’s the curiosity. At least the PSA and the Superintendent have contracts that call for automatic salary increases every year. The only way to legally give those up is to change the contract and have both parties agree to it. Yet when the administration was asked to provide copies of the executed amendments showing this they basically said ‘they don’t exist’ [See OPRA requests under documents].
But wait,
Mrs. Becker claims that “we have signed agreements with the PSA”. Hmmmm. A board member says they have signed agreements but the administration says they don’t? The administration says the superintendent will give up her salary increase but the board member doesn’t say they have a signed agreement for that change.
So which is it? Is this a typical nod-n-wink deal or is there really a legally binding document to back up what we think is going to happen with salary increases?
Let's see. Is it more likely that a records custodian and district employee would risk their job and reputation by false statements
OR that a politician desperate for re-election would say whatever it takes to win a couple of more votes?
Are you surprised that they want you to believe that the only thing that is important is a 0% tax increase (that is itself the result of financial maneuvering)?
How about spending money responsibly? How about dealing with the public honestly? How about enriching the education of our students and not the egos of our adults?
Yeah, that might just be too much to ask of elected officials who claim to represent the community.
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