Unexpectedly faced with published facts at last night's Candidate Debate the incumbents, particularly Mrs. Shaw, resorted to the classic smokescreen of claiming micromanagement. "We hire professionals to do the job and we ought to let them do it." Apparently the same can not be said about the people we've elected to represent the community on the school board.
Dictionary.com defines micromanage as: "to manage or control with excessive attention to minor details".
Apparently Mrs. Shaw believes that asking any question of the administration or providing policy direction to them equates to ‘excessive attention to minor details.’
Maybe it's one of those pesky reading things or perhaps Mrs. Shaw isn't really a detail person.
Under New Jersey Law (the QSAC monitoring requirements, that Mrs. Becker referenced) the board is held accountable to a set of Quality Performance Indicators including:
Budget planning
• Policies for the budget and financial planning process
Financial and budgetary control
• The monthly Board Secretary’s report is reconciled within 30 days of month’s end and treasurer’s report is reconciled within 45 days of the month’s end.
• The district has established formal accounting policies and procedures
Annual audit
• If required, the district has implemented a corrective action plan acceptable to the county superintendent which addresses all audit recommendations. The board does not write the corrective action plan. The board must assure implementation.
Restricted Revenue
• The salaries funded by federal grants are approved by the board as documented in the board minutes
• The district has reduced the number of out-of-district segregated placements by developing appropriate in-district programs and services. Look for opportunities to share services and programs with neighboring districts.
Get the facts. The NJQSAC Fact Sheet and a presentation by the NJ School Boards Association can be found under documents and a link to the NJ DOE QSAC regulations can be found under 'Just the Facts'
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