What started out as a simple effort born of the frustration of asking questions and getting "Why do you need to know that answers" this website has seen some unexpected usage particularly over the last 10 days.
No one is more surprised than I am, consider:
Just in the last 10 days there were 1,481 visits to this website from 822 unique visitors who looked at 3,542 pages and stayed an average of 3.5 minutes per visit.
These 1,481 visits represent ALL 50 US STATES (NJ 727, NY 193) as well as 7 visits from Canada and 1 visit from Paris, France.
New Jersey visitors came from 57 cities including 360 from East Brunswick.
And not surpisingly in the last 10 days, 107 visits came from WITHIN the East Brunswick Board of Education Network (that is within the schools or administration building (including 20 visits today).
So yes, it seems like we might have struck a nerve in our passion to improve the education of our children. And it seems we are not alone.
I will continue to work on this site as long as you continue to find value in it and ask questions and request information. I hope to make it easier for you to let your friends and colleagues know about this site and for you to keep track of updates and new items. Stay tuned and don't stop asking questions.
I am all for a site like this, especially if we can make a difference. I have one reservation though. Given the vote did not place the new incumbents on the Board, doesn't that mean that most people feel the things expressed here are not true? How many people who visit this site would be willing to work together in a professional manner to try to make a difference. We will get the attention of others if our facts are correct and we ask questions and demand answers. What are the pros and cons of taking on a task like this? We will definitely need the author of this site to be leader. This person knows the facts, and the rules. Without that on our side, we don't stand a chance. I don't want to attack the BOE, but I would like to present a list of written questions,and have the board respond to those questions in writing. I don't want to attend BOE meetings and have them become sreaming matches between us and them. How many of us are willing to get together privately and discuss a plan of action?
ReplyDeleteI think that it probably means that not enough people knew about this site. People at my child's bus stop were saying how its good that the budget passed and I said I voted no and they were surprised. I mentioned some facts from this website and they wanted to know where I got the information. I told them the name of the website. I don't think enough people were reading it or those some that were may have thought it was a smear campaign which I don't think it was. I for one would be more than happy to meet and discuss a plan of action, but first we need to somehow get the word out about this site. I tried several years ago to start a "curriculum committee" thru the PTA to present issues like chicago math, script and at the time inventive spelling to someone who would listen and perhaps institute change. It went nowhere, no one willing to be involved even if they agreed with the issues. I think that people are seriously concerned about retaliation against their kids. I ended up meeting alone with the Supervisor of Math and ILA to discuss my concerns, both people were extremely nice, but obviously one persons opinion doesn't sway anything, nor would 10 peoples opinion, you need masses. Again the Math and ILA supervisors were very nice, heard my concerns,had concerns of their own with some of this stuff and their was no retaliation against my kids. People, we need faces with
ReplyDeletethe voices. We can blog about this all day and all night and it does no good if we don't put our words into action.
How much is a full page ad in the sentinal???
ReplyDeleteI'm willing to chip in!
If more people knew that other people shared their same concerns they might be willing to get involved.
For Cheryl, I am definitely a kindred spirit. I have two children in the school system, one currently in Hammarskjold, the other in Churchill. Next year they will both be in Churchill. Everyday math needs to be replaced (too late for my kids). ILA, spelling and cursive are also important issues. My biggest concern now, though, and for the past four years is the public safety officers(aka school resource officers) in Hammarskjold, Churchill, and the High School. A junior high in which fights have become a daily occurrence is not a positive learning environment. Sadly, my daughter seems to be developing the idea that this is just the way school is. You are right that there is power in numbers. The kids want that officer to remain in the school. Unfortunately, kids can't vote. This is where we show what kind of community we are, and where our priorities lie.
ReplyDeleteDon't quote me as I'm guestimating but I think a full page ad in the Sentinel runs in the $1,200 range, and in one week, it's come and gone.
ReplyDeleteI think the money and effort would be better spent doing face to face, pta meetings, sports fields, church parking lots, whatever instead of a one-time shot with an ad.
I totally agree with you about the safety officers in Hammarskjold, Churchill and the High School. My junior high daughter has also witnessed numerous fights. The officers need to stay.
ReplyDeleteI agree with these posts. I think we should get some type of face to face group going....also wanted to ask if anyone knew what this meeting taking place tonight was about...listed in the calendar as 'Wall of Honor Ceremony'. I'm guessing it's to award the reelected BOE.?
ReplyDeleteNah, the 'Wall of Honor Ceremony' is something that the board does best. I like to refer to it as the professional ribbon-cutting society.
ReplyDeleteA number of years ago they created a 'wall of honor' at the back of the board room and once a year they have a 'nice little ceremony' where they induct someone they choose into the 'wall of honor'.
Instead of dealing with real issues (curriculum, finance, transparency, etc.) the administration keeps the board focused on these inane activites to let them feel like they are important.
Kind of like creating the 'East Brunswick Performing Arts Center at Hammarskjold' to inflate the egos of the board and administration.
Yes a face-to-face would be good. Do you think they would let us use the Board meeting room?
Gottaxes-I would think you would know more than anyone about using the Board meeting room.
ReplyDeleteAre you in direct contact with them on any of these issues?
As far as the PTA. I think a PTA president summit would be the best way to start. I will be taking over president of a PTA in one of our elementary schools and would welcome the challenge to unite all of the PTA presidents. I will confirm the school as soon as the the PTA board is finalized in 2 weeks at the next meeting. I think we should get on the calendar at the Library and begin the first "EB parent committee" meeting. We can meet in one of the back rooms. We could also advertise on Channel 3 since it would be non profit.
ReplyDeleteYES, that would be fantastic. Don't be surprised if someone tells you that you can't do this thru PTA. That's one of the things I was told when I tried to organize a "curriculum committee" at just one school's PTA, with the thought of then connecting with the other schools. I can't imagine why you can't though, it seems like a perfect match to me. If they say no, we ask to see the Rule!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for volunteering!!!!!!
I think you're right on that one. The schools think the purpose of the PTA is to raise money for them and help get out the vote. I doubt they will go for this.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the candidate that lost, Gene Ryan, is he pro education, or just out to make a name for himself as a stepping stone to a paid position somewhere?
ReplyDeleteI think the EB PTA's I have been involved with do a good job, raising money for the schools to do things for the kids.
ReplyDeleteAll you complainers here need to get out the vote if you can get it, leave the PTA alone, it is for the kids.