
When a 'flat increase' really isn't

Not surprisingly the Sentinel is reporting on the alleged 'flat increase' in this year's school budget. Prominently featured in the article are the ususal self-congratulatory comments from the board president, Todd Simmens including how the big unknown was how much state aid the district would receive. What Mr. Simmens didn't comment on, and the Sentinel didn't ask about was the $1,022,533 in state aid that the district lost out on because last year's budget was $10,801,186 OVER the state calculated adequacy budget. Mr. Simmens also did not comment on the tax hikes of the last two years (37 cents and 2 cents) that allowed the board to transfer $4 million from last year's tax hike into this year's budget. So the 'flat increase' they are all so proud of is only because they OVER taxed you by $4 million LAST YEAR. We do indeed NEED A CHANGE.

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