
Karp, Becker & Shaw's Idea of Safe Schools

The following cell phone videos were provided to us and are only a small example of what the incumbent board of education has tacitly approved for our 'safe' Churchill Junior High School. These are only a small sampling of what goes on in Churchill EVERYDAY.
It's time to make the CHANGE WE NEED.
Do you want to continue to pay for THREE superintendents and a PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR? Or might it be smarter to pay for ONE superintendent and THREE Public SAFETY Officers?


  1. Uh, the second video when you view the first few seconds looks NOTHING like Churchill.

  2. How are the three individuals running for election plan on stopping fights at a junior high school. You could put 100 cops in the school and there are still going to be fights. Take a look at urban schools that employ conplete security forces and I bet you still find fights take place.

  3. I can't make out the buildings on the 2nd video but will see if I can enhance it and get a better look.

    As for stopping fights?
    Step 1: Get out of denial mode
    Step 2: Don't be foolish enough to eliminate a resource officer.
    Step 3: Don't cancel the schoolwide assembly that was scheduled to lay down the law with the students.

    The nonsense position that says "well there will always be fights so why bother" is the exact reason a change is needed.

  4. That is not the message of my post. Before I vote for these three new people I want to know how they plan on stopping the fights. Thanks

  5. Probably the best way to do this is call them:

    The Grekoski, DeStefano & Ryan TEAM


    (732) 977-4155

  6. To anyone who would believe that these fights are not occurring on a regular and frequent basis at Churchill, ask any parent who has a child with a cell phone that takes pictures. My daughter's phone does not, but I certainly believe her first hand accounts!
